
Journal of Sales Transformation


International Journal of Sales Transformation

Interested in Sales Transformation? Looking for inspiration? Want to know lessons from other organisations that have been on the same journey?

Carl Day Interview


Ethics in sales: a novel approach to sales education

Completed in May 2016, this Masters project investigates links between ethics and education, and sets out to evaluate the impact that longer-term education will have on individual sales behaviour.



Retaining high-performing salespeople

Research findings uncover what high-performing salespeople want from their organisations and, just as importantly, what they don’t want

Simon Dale Interview


Three Often Overlooked Topics To Enhance Sales Practice

Why the three topics of coaching, change management and stakeholder engagement should be considered more seriously in the development of sales managers and sales professionals identified as high performers.

Philip Squire Headshot


Dr Philip Squire CEO Consalia

Dr Philip Squire, CEO Consalia, explains why Consalia is driven by a desire to improve sales effectiveness and professionalism

Andy Hough Interview


 Institute of Sales Professionals

Andy Hough, CEO of the Institute of Sales Professionals (formerly known as the Association of Professional Sales, APS), explains the role of the ISP in the Apprenticeship programme.

Mike Gibson Interview


Mike Gibson Royal Mail Apprenticeships

Director of National Sales at Royal Mail explains to us why the apprenticeship programme for sales is so important for Royal Mail.

Simon Dale Interview


Simon Dale Adobe Student Testimonial

Hear from Simon Dale, now Managing Director APJ of Adobe about the impact the Executive Masters in Leading Sales Transformation has had on him through his journey.



The University in the Workplace

This paper by Dr Philip Squire and Dr Peter Critten explores the concept of work-based learning, a key element in our Postgraduate sales courses.