#149 – GST XIX: What makes a great Global Account Manager? w/ Luke Skinner

23 January 2025

We have another talk from GST XIX this week on The Sales Transformation Podcast! This time it’s Luke Skinner, VP of Global Strategic Initiatives at SAP, discussing the key attributes a Global Account Manager needs to address the unique challenges they face.

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Drawing on the research he conducted while studying for his master’s with Consalia, Luke splits the traits a GAM needs into foundational and leading characteristics. Above all, he stresses the fact that they need to be able to work effectively with people from all levels of both their own and their clients’ organisations. 


Highlights include:  

  • [03:00] – Global Account Management is a boundary spanning role 
  • [12:35] – The leading characteristics of an exceptional Global Account Manager 
  • [21:56] – As a Global Account Manager you are an expert in your customer 


NOTE: This talk contains visual elements. You can watch over on our YouTube channel for the full experience! 

Connect with Philip Squire on LinkedIn 
Connect with Luke Skinner on LinkedIn 


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